
The presence of hair growth, intense or not, it bothers both men and women.
Women have always looked after their appearance in order to feel the same well, but also to be more attractive.

Men are starting preservatives the waxingin some parts of his body, now do not hesitate to make every point that you don't like them or bother them.

The hair removal no longer belongs in both sexes, men and women!


Waxing 3 Wave Length

Η πιο προηγμένη μέθοδος αποτρίχωσης είναι πλέον διαθέσιμη στο κέντρο αισθητικής Chic & Beauty και σας υπόσχεται μόνιμα αποτελέσματα με τον πιο αξιόπιστος τρόπο.

Μια μέθοδος laser που συνδυάζει 3 μήκη κύματος.

laser αλεξανδρίτη

Γιατί να επιλέξετε την αποτρίχωση 3 Wave Length;

Η συγκεκριμένη μέθοδος μόνιμης αποτρίχωσης είναι κατάλληλη για κάθε τύπο δέρματος και για όλων των ειδών τρίχες. Είναι κλινικά ελεγμένο και προσφέρει μόνιμα και εγγυημένα αποτελέσματα. Η χρήση της μεθόδου μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί καθ’ όλη την διάρκεια του έτους και τα οφέλη που σας προσφέρει είναι τεράστια.

  • More short session in relation to most of the hair removal methods.
  • Painless and full safe way.
  • Guaranteed results last.
  • It has been approved by the FDA.

How does the method work 3 Wave Length;

Η μέθοδος αποτρίχωσης 3 Wave Length θα σας απαλλάξει μόνιμα από την ανεπιθύμητη τριχοφυΐα με  τον πιο άμεσο και ανώδυνο τρόπο.

 Με την χρήση ήπιων παλμών laser, η επαναστατική αυτή μέθοδος στοχεύει στον θύλακα της τρίχας, σχεδόν σε κάθε σημείο του σώματος. Ο θύλακας θερμαίνεται με τρόπο ώστε να μην επιτραπεί η εκ νέου ανάπτυξη τρίχας. Μάλιστα, σύμφωνα με αρκετές έρευνες και μελέτες, έχει αποδειχθεί ότι πρόκειται για την πιο ανώδυνη μέθοδο αποτρίχωσης με τα πιο σύντομα αποτελέσματα.

So if you want to get rid once and for all of the unwanted hair, the method 3 Wave Length is the most reliable and effective solution.

Hair removal Diode Laser

The Diode laser εκπέμπει ενισχυμένη μονοχρωματική ακτίνα φωτός μήκους κύματος 810 nm, μεγαλύτερο δηλαδή από όσο εκπέμπει ο Αλεξανδρίτης (755 nm). Αποτέλεσμα αυτού είναι η βαθύτερη διείσδυση στο δέρμα χωρίς να επηρεάζονται οι γύρω ιστοί ενώ παράλληλα αποφεύγεται η μελανίνη.

αποτρίχωση με λέιζερ

The way it is designed this technology allows it to respond well to all skin types, even tanned by the sun, the dark mediterranean skin) in thin and thick hair as well as in all areas of the body such as face, hands, armpits, back, apron, breasts , bikini.

The diode laser is suitable for hair removal:

  • In people of any age and gender
  • For hairs with a larger volume (p.x. the men's), in addition, the Diode Laser does not emit radioactive radiation

With the use of διοδικού laser is achieved:

  • A smaller number of applications, which means faster results.
  • Less feel of irritation in comparison with some other method of hair removal.

In addition to protect the skin using cold atmospheric air.

Fast and incredible results in large areas of the body (such as legs or back) are the key positive elements. It is sufficient just half an hour to achieve complete hair removal.

Φωτοαποτρίχωση IPL Laser

The Φωτοαποτρίχωση IPL laser, is a method of hair removal using intense πολυχρωματικό pulsed light to destroy the hair follicle.

διοδικό laser

Μία μακράς διάρκειας, painless hair removal.

Η τεχνολογία του I.P.L. (Intense Pulsed Light ) αποτελεί μια αποτελεσματική μέθοδο αποτρίχωσης που βασίζεται στην αποδόμηση του θύλακα τις τρίχας, δηλαδή αποδομούνται τα κύτταρα εκείνα που παράγουν την τρίχα.

This is achieved by inducing pulse energy in the form of filtered light energy is selectively absorbed by the melanin of the hair, it is converted to thermal energy, and by using this reaches in pocket and deconstructs permanently.

The machine has cooled head which protects the skin.

H φωτοαποτρίχωσης I.P.L. 6th generation gives you the ability to view results:

  • Spectacular
  • Fast
  • Perfectly painless
  • Long-lasting and at the same time visible from the first session.
αποτρίχωση στην κοιλιά

Hair removal SHR Laser

The SHR Laser is the latest technology as well as incorporate the advantages of all three technologies.

It is clinically proven that the SHR is perfectly safe suitable for all skin types throughout the course of the year while at the same time is extremely quick application.

It is an advanced IPL and incorporates φωτολυση advanced type of pulsed light with high scanning speed and is highly effective!

Compared with the other systems hair removal is different because it is completely painless, fast, comfortable and highly effective in fewer sessions than ever before.

With the use of the cooling mechanism of the system of SHR, you can get rid of the unwanted hair, even on the most sensitive areas without the inconvenience you may have experienced with other techniques hair removal.

Using a scanning technique with a vertical and horizontal passages, the sessions will be shorter, more comfortable, and especially with better results.

S.H.R. has received a certification from the FDA (the food and drug administration of America). Therapy hair removal system SHR is suitable for all skin types, including tanned from the sun skin.

The results are visible from the first session. The SHR is safe and effective καθ όλη τη διάρκεια του χρόνου – ακόμη και τους καλοκαιρινούς μήνες μετά από την έκθεση σας στον ήλιο.

Advantages of hair removal SHR Laser

100% Ριζική αποτρίχωση με ηλεκτρόλυση

Electric hair removal (electrolysis and thermolysis) is a classic tried and tested method of permanent hair removal, which shall be applied with success.

The destruction of the root of the hair through the diversion of a specially designed power supply, making it not only a reliable and effective method of hair removal.

The application of a number of repeated sessions that may result in permanent removal of hairs.

Even today it is a method that can guarantee 100% permanent hair removal for any kind of unwanted hair, regardless of color (particularly for white hairs) and roughness of the hair or color of the skin, in small areas of the face.

The electrolysis is indicated for:

Electric hair removal permanently destroy the regenerative cells of the hair, which is responsible for its development, thanks to the introduction of a very fine sterile needle into the follicle of the hair and the diversion of power to him.

During the duration of the electrical hair removal used specialized disposable needles while the healing time is small. You may see redness or mild swelling, which should not worry you as they are a normal reaction of the body.


The waxing it is a method of weakening of the hair and, therefore, intense hair growth.

Αποτρίχωση με κερί με την χρήση κεριέρας

The waxing is done with hot wax, where the temperature of the wax is controlled by a thermostat precision in order to avoid burns and irritations of the skin.

The effect lasts up to a month and a half, leaving the skin soft and smooth.

The wax is applied to both face and body and is suitable for every skin type.

Waxing wax (granules)

The wax (granules) is an innovative product of hair removal, which is mainly applied in sensitive areas.

The candle is made from natural ingredients, leaving a feeling of softness while at the same time it is extremely painless.

Σε αυτού του είδους την αποτρίχωση, δεν χρησιμοποιείται ταινία αποτρίχωσης.